Friday, June 11, 2010


Donut cloud over Moscow 2009

Feather Cloud

Alligator Cloud

Fish Cloud

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wednesday, April 09, 2008



Friday, February 15, 2008

Love is... sharing dentures

NST Online » Features2008/02/13

Budding love, passionate love, steadfast love — they all have their place on Valentine's Day, writes ZAHARAH OTHMAN.

FEEL THE LOVE: Romance has no age limit.

AN elderly couple in their eighties walked into a burger joint. The wife sat herself down and patiently waited while her husband tottered to the counter to get one cheeseburger and a drink. He duly divided the burger and started eating his share while the wife sipped her drink and waited.A young couple sitting not too far away took pity on them and offered to buy another burger. Their offer was kindly turned down.The young couple watched as the husband wiped the crumbs off his lips and walked to the sink. They then watched in amazement as the old man came back and handed over his set of false teeth to his wife and once in its place, the wife eagerly ate her half of the burger.

The old man turned to the young couple, gave a toothless grin and said: “We share everything.” The laughter that ensued and the initial feeling of disgust after reading the story that came in the e-mail box some years ago gave way to the realisation that love, especially in one’s autumnal years, boils down to these two factors: caring and sharing.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


A fire whirl, colloquially fire devil or fire tornado, is a phenomenon in which a fire, under certain conditions (depending on air temperature and currents), acquires a vertical vorticity and forms a whirl, or a tornado-like effect of a vertically oriented rotating column of air. Fire whirls may be whirlwinds separated from the flames, either within the burn area or outside it, or a vortex of flame, itself.
A fire whirl can make fires more dangerous. An extreme example is the 1923 Great Kantō earthquake in Japan which ignited a large city-sized firestorm and produced a gigantic fire whirl that killed 38,000 in fifteen minutes in the Hifukusho-Ato region of Tokyo.[1] Another example is the numerous large fire whirls (some tornadic) that developed after lightning struck an oil storage facility near San Luis Obispo, California on April 7, 1926, several of which produced significant structural damage well away from the fire, killing two. Thousands of whirlwinds were produced by the four-day-long firestorm coincident with conditions that produced severe thunderstorms, in which the larger fire whirls carried debris 5 kilometers (3 mi) away.[2]

National Institute of Standards and Technology 2003 ventilation experiment that dramatically changed a fire into a fire whirl.

Fire whirl resulting from a fire in a warehouse
Most of the largest fire whirls are spawned from wildfires. They form when a warm updraft and convergence from the wildfire are present.[3] They are usually 10-50 meters (30-200 ft) tall, a few meters (~10 ft) wide, and last only a few minutes. However, some can be more than a kilometer (0.6 mile) tall, contain winds over 160 km/h (100 mph), and persist for more than 20 minutes.[4]
These can also aid the 'spotting' ability of wildfires to propagate and start new fires.

See also
Dust devil

Quintiere, James G. (1998). Principles of Fire Behavior. Thomson Delmar Learning. ISBN 0827377320.
Hissong, J. E. (April 1926). "WHIRLWINDS AT OIL-TANK FIRE, SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIF.". Monthly Weather Review 54 (4): 161–163.
Umscheid, Michael E.; John P. Monteverdi, Jonathan M. Davies (2006). "Photographs and Analysis of an Unusually Large and Long-lived Firewhirl". Electronic Journal of Severe Storms Meteorology 1 (2).
Grazulis, Thomas P. (July 1993). Significant Tornadoes 1680–1991: A Chronology and Analysis of Events. St. Johnsbury, VT: The Tornado Project of Environmental Films. ISBN 1879362031.
Church, Christopher R.; John T. Snow, and Jean Dessens (July 1980). "Intense Atmospheric Vortices Associated with a 1000 MW Fire". Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 61 (7): 682-694.
Fire Whirl Simulations
Firenado on CNN

External links
Footage of wildfire whirl
Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3

Retrieved from ""
Categories: Wildfires Severe weather and convection Vortices

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Giant Squids


In Search of Giant Squids

The Unnatural Museum

Freaky Animals, Weird Animals

Four-Winged Hen

Two-Headed Snake

CLICK below for more pictures

Weird Animals

Freaky Animals

Flying Fish

they actually glide to a distance as far as 100 meters with the fins spread wide

Friday, May 19, 2006

Remote Viewing & Remote Influencing

Remote Viewing is one form of psychic ability. This is the ability to view with the 'mind's eye' something that is not presently in front of you in space or time. To use your psychic faculties simply means reaching beyond the level of the five senses. There is far more to reality than what the senses are revealing to you. Anyone who has knowledge of the electromagnetic spectrum realizes that our eyes and ears only perceive a very narrow margin of the frequencies that abound and interlace our environment.

Courtney Brown, Ph.D
Published in 2005 by FARSIGHT PRESS (Atlanta).

Remote viewing is the mental ability to perceive and describe places, persons, or events at distant locations in the past, present, and future. The reality of the remote-viewing phenomenon is not in dispute among a large body of respected researchers — both inside and outside of academia — who have published an extensive collection of high-quality investigations over the past few decades. But profound mysteries remain. This volume breaks new ground by resolving some of remote-viewing's greatest enigmas. In these pages, new research and new theories explain why remote viewing works.

These investigations utilize remote-viewing methods that are derivative of those used for decades in well-documented U.S. government funded psi research sponsored by the Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.) and the Defense Intelligence Agency (D.I.A.). Filled with descriptions and analyses of highly original experiments, this volume presents evidence which identifies the mental mechanism that allows an individual to perceive and describe a distant target that is not accessible to the physical processes of hearing, touch, sight, taste, and smell. Controlling for the behavioral characteristics of this mechanism now allows remote viewing to be performed with greatly improved reliability. This also leads to a better understanding of "associative remote viewing," a complex process that is required in any attempt to use remote viewing to predict numerical information, including stock market fluctuations and lottery numbers.

Crucially, here is an investigation into the fascinating characteristics of time using remote viewing as a tool of exploration, offering evidence that the past, present, and future truly exist simultaneously. The idea of differing future and past time lines is not just science fiction.

This research addresses the physics of psi functioning, integrating what we already know about cosmology and quantum mechanics with what we now know about remote viewing. Ultimately, this volume explains why all these new scientific revelations fundamentally affect our understanding of spirituality. The significance of the remote-viewing phenomenon to our understanding of human existence potentially rivals the significance of any previous discoveries in the history of science. This is "paradigm busting" science, and it seems destined to fundamentally challenge our most basic assumptions of the inner workings of physical reality.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

P.Ramlee's perception of Saloma, I presume !!!

Shadow People

they call it shadow people .... somekind of entity normally seen just a few seconds and then disappear. Exist everywhere in the world, only they call it by different names; we call it Kelibat in Malaysia. Possibly they exist in the 4th dimension which is irrelevent of space and time, and is seen when they enter the 3rd dimension.

Beaching of Dolphins and Whales

I believe that these phenomenons are caused by sonar equipments that US deployed under the oceans all over the world to detect movements of submarines. These equipments send out sonar waves that destroy the ear-drums of these mammals and causing disorientation; thus the beaching phenomenons of these mammals which seem to be more frequent.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Nothing Weird Nothing Strange

Welcome to Bronnikov method

The method invented by Vyacheslav M. Bronnikov represents the combination of the most effective exercises that have been mostly taken from different eastern gymnastics for the purpose of their highest possible efficiency. The sharp increase in human energy potential and synchronization of both cerebral hemispheres activity arise from the training according to Bronnikov method. As a result hidden unclaimed abilities and potentialities of human organism come to light. Furthermore a person switches on the contact with one’s super-consciousness. The method has undergone large number of examinations and scientific validation and is considered as an established scientific practice.

My son is reading the book. His eyes are blindfolded… Is it a fantasy, a trick? No, it is not. This is only one of the abilities my son has developed using my method. Besides he can diagnose diseases and treat patients, he is able never to be ill and never to be tired, he has photographic visual and bio-computer memory, he is the master of information decoding system etc. All these abilities are natural for him as breathing is common for you. Know yourself today and tomorrow you will get access to phenomenal abilities as a norm of your life and the life of your children in XXI century.
Vyacheslav M. Bronnikov

Details at

Beat around the BUSH

Beat around the bush = avoid talking about what is important
BUSH = Bullshit Unashamed Stupid Human

Tsunami Creature

One-eyed Cat

Man-Croc Creature

Ball Lightning

Due to the inability for scientists to reproduce ball lightning, the plausibility of such a thing to exist is often looked upon skeptically. Few photos have captured such an occurrence, so eyewitness accounts is the only thing one can go by for proof of its existence.

If ball lightning does TRULY exist, it is theorized to be influenced by electric fields, which causes the ball to bounce around when it comes in contact with objects. Usually it is white to yellowish in color and not very bright. It can last up to 50 seconds long, although the average is said to be about 15 seconds.

Related Links

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Giant for real ?

Excavation somewhere in Saudi Arabia (KOSMO April 20, 2006). The giant remain is believed to be of Aad tribe during Nabi Hud era.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Graffiti anywhere

Safety in question

somewhere in India

There must be reasons ....

Crazy guy or culture ?

Winged Cat

there are lots of stories about cat with wings !!!

September 11 Face

Two-headed Turtle

Weird Clouds

Holepunch in the sky, Melbourne, Australia

Hole in the sky, Alabama, USA

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Somewhere in Vietnam. Old and New. Creativity. Anything can be recycled.