Friday, February 15, 2008

Love is... sharing dentures

NST Online » Features2008/02/13

Budding love, passionate love, steadfast love — they all have their place on Valentine's Day, writes ZAHARAH OTHMAN.

FEEL THE LOVE: Romance has no age limit.

AN elderly couple in their eighties walked into a burger joint. The wife sat herself down and patiently waited while her husband tottered to the counter to get one cheeseburger and a drink. He duly divided the burger and started eating his share while the wife sipped her drink and waited.A young couple sitting not too far away took pity on them and offered to buy another burger. Their offer was kindly turned down.The young couple watched as the husband wiped the crumbs off his lips and walked to the sink. They then watched in amazement as the old man came back and handed over his set of false teeth to his wife and once in its place, the wife eagerly ate her half of the burger.

The old man turned to the young couple, gave a toothless grin and said: “We share everything.” The laughter that ensued and the initial feeling of disgust after reading the story that came in the e-mail box some years ago gave way to the realisation that love, especially in one’s autumnal years, boils down to these two factors: caring and sharing.

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